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Gerson Robles
September 25, 2013
"Here Am I; Send Me."


The West Australian Field Conference was held from September 19-22, 2013. Entitled, "Here Am I, Send Me," the convention's theme was evangelism, both in one's personal experience and as a church team.


The Reluctant Missionary

We opened the conference with a meeting entitled, "The Reluctant Missionary.” There are a few reluctant missionaries found in the scriptures, but the one we looked at and that everyone remembers—and perhaps remembered for the wrong reasons—is Jonah, the prophet that was swallowed by a big fish.


Good Tidings
August 23, 2013
Born for a Purpose!


The SDARM Queensland Conference's annual camp meeting was held over the weekend of August 16-18, 2013, in the beautiful surroundings of Ewen Maddock Dam and Recreation Center, Landsborough.


The theme, “Born for a Purpose!” focused on the reality that “every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary.” (The Desire of Ages, p. 195.)


Good Tidings
August 23, 2013
United Kingdom
Missionary outreach to a world capital

