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Sacred Voice
January 12, 2017
The Sacred Voice Choir held a benefit cantata in partnership with DAR (SDARM Portugal's welfare department).

MONTIJO, PORTUGAL—On December 18, 2016, the Sacred Voice Choir held its first benefit cantata at a local school. The event was held in partnership with DAR, the SDARM Welfare Department branch in Portugal. The entry fee for the event was one kilogram of non-perishable food items which were received by DAR and donated to those in need. 


Septimiu Muresan
January 8, 2017
United Kingdom
How would you think to spend December 24th and December 31st in 2016 knowing that those days would be Sabbath days?

LONDON—How would you think to spend December 24th and December 31st in 2016 knowing that those days would be Sabbath days? With all the habits of this world to prepare for Christmas or to be ready for the New Year, the brethren in the United Kingdom decided to have two special afternoons.
January 8, 2017
Moldova, Republic of
Missionary work is a manifestation of love and sympathy of the material hardships of others and to the suffering that exists in the world. This was the conclusion reached by the brethren in South Moldova in early December when they developed the missionary project "Material Gifts and Spiritual Gifts." 

MOLDOVA—Missionary work is a manifestation of love and sympathy of the material hardships of others and to the suffering that exists in the world. This was the conclusion reached by the brethren in South Moldova in early December when they developed the missionary project "Material Gifts and Spiritual Gifts." 


Two locations were targeted: one in Galaţi, another in the Bacau county. Thanks to the generosity of the brethren over 650 food parcels containing food and present truths were distributed by volunteers showing their love for their neighbors.


Michel Pires
January 8, 2017
On Christmas Eve, December 24, 2016, our brethren and church friends in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil went to a local park to serve a special Christmas Eve dinner for the less fortunate.

RIO DE JANEIRO—The brethren in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil took advantage of Christmas Eve—a time where many in the world celebrate with lavish dinners with family and friends—to distribute a special dinner to the less fortunate. The "Sopão Solidário" (Solidarity Soup Kitchen) project began over a year ago in Curitiba, Brazil, and the idea has now been implemented in other states, like Rio de Janeiro. The project consists of distributing food, clothing, literature, and Christian love to the homeless.

Liviu Tudoroiu
January 4, 2017
On December 24-28, 2016 our brethren in Romania gathered together for a youth retreat at the church property in Porumbaco.

"Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not,

nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say,  I have no pleasure in them;" 

Ecclesiastes 12:1

