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The Reformation Herald Online Edition

Why Rebaptism?

Meet Today’s Reformers
Why Rebaptism?
Aron Belu

I believe this testimony will help other souls to be more faithful to Jesus now than at any other time of their life and will encourage a desire to seek Him wholeheartedly. Do not look to others but to Jesus only as your example.

I grew up in a Reform Movement family. Baptized when I was 22 years old, I was married in the same church. I have two sons. Most of my life, I was very strict in my Christian life until I started to become lukewarm or looked to others. I am a truck driver and my wife was my team driver for eleven years. We worked a lot. There was a period when we only came home five to seven times a year. During that time, we still returned our tithes and offerings but did not attend the church very often. Eventually we ended up having to be disfellowshipped. When this happened, I became more careless.

Six years ago, I started working for myself and was home every other week. I would either visit our church, the Adventist Church, or stay home. Then about three or four years ago, my family and I began visiting the Atlanta East SDA Reform Movement Church on a regular basis. Wherever you go or whatever you believe, there is no other place that has more light than the SDA Reform Movement. There, the past, present, and future truth is preached.

The Atlanta East church is a small group with a warm heart. I take my faith seriously and therefore asked if I could become a member again. I talked with our church. . . . One Sabbath, Bro. Jeff Wiktoroski spoke with me a lot about being rebaptized - not just fellowshipped. I REFUSED IT! Quote: “I do not need to be rebaptized because I was member of the SDARM!” But I kept it on my mind. So I started studying, and it was very easy for me to look for what I needed because I have the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy on a CD. That helped me to find many quotes where the pen of Inspiration speaks about rebaptism for those who really give their heart to Jesus. So I called Bro. Evans Benjamin, the Field Leader, telling him I was ready to take a step forward. Being honest, however, I also told him I had one problem. . . .

Bro. Benjamin told me to resolve the problem first. Another six months passed, and I had not resolved the problem until Bro. Vernon Rankin visited me. He told me to read Matthew 5:43, 44 (first part). “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you.”

It was hard to accept, but I prayed a lot to God to help me make peace in my heart. It took a few weeks, but in my heart was only Jesus, and I wanted to be saved. My problem disappeared.

My family and the church supported me very much. My heart was open to Jesus. So I called Sr. Toni and told her, “I am ready to step forward.” My family was so happy with my decision. The Florida Camp Meeting was not far away. The decision was made for me to be re-baptized at the Florida Camp Meeting.

After my decision was made, Satan worked very hard to delay the baptism: On my last trip to California and back, I encountered many obstacles to stop me from getting there. Here’s the story: The trip takes 10-11 days. The first delay was in Louisiana, when the police stopped me on the side of the road for a routine inspection. I’ve never made mistakes on my log book, but that morning I did. The log book was behind about 8-10 minutes, so that put me out of service for 10 hours. I started then to be delayed from my plan. After that, the trip went okay to California. Then on the way back home, a light rain began to fall a few hours before dark. I had electrical problems, so I stopped to fix them. I checked all the connections for shortages and if the wires were touching each other. For 3 hours I found nothing. In my mind was the fact that if I could not find the problem before dark, I would not be able to make it to Florida. So sitting between the truck and the trailer, I started praying to God to help me. After my earnest prayer, it came to my mind to check the plate on top of the 5th wheel. I took the plate out, never thinking that right there was an electric connection. When I moved the rubber covering, a fire started. Quickly I disconnected everything. I found the problem and did a temporary fix, thanking God for His help. The next day there was a strong dust storm in Arizona. I was driving slowly and the traffic stopped. About 1½ - 2 miles ahead of me, the dust storm was very heavy. A big accident occurred with a 22-vehicle pile-up - 9 big semi-tractor trailers and 13 cars. Later, on national news, it was reported that 4 people had died and many were injured as a result. So God helped me not to be involved in that accident. The next day in Dallas, Texas, there was a cold heavy rain. I was thinking if this rain slowed down, it would freeze on the road causing icy conditions. A few hours later I called my friend to see where he was. I learned that his brother was in Dallas in freezing rain and traffic was moving 5 miles per hour. I thanked God again for helping me to pass the freezing rain. Again, the 3rd day in Louisiana, a very heavy storm slowed me down again and I prayed to God to help me to go through.

After all these things I made it home late Thursday night. By God’s abundant grace, early Friday morning we left for Florida and arrived on time!

When is rebaptism really needed?

I want to share with you a few examples where the Spirit of Prophecy speaks of rebaptism - with the hope that God will work on your heart to make the right decision in case this applies to you. I am so glad that I made the right decision to be rebaptized because I prepared myself to be more than just fellowshipped. I was reconverted! This gave me a chance to truly reconsecrate my life to God.

These are the following quotations that were very helpful to me:

Reconversion and Rebaptism of Seventh-day Adventists. - The Lord calls for a decided reformation. And when a soul is truly reconverted, let him be rebaptized. Let him renew his covenant with God, and God will renew His covenant with him. . . . Reconversion must take place among the members, that as God’s witnesses they may testify to the authoritative power of the truth that sanctifies the soul.”1

“It is [the] baptism of the Holy Spirit that the churches need today. There are backslidden church members and backslidden ministers who need reconverting, who need the softening, subduing influence of the baptism of the Spirit, that they may rise in newness of life and make thorough work for eternity. I have seen the irreligion and the self-sufficiency cherished, and I have heard the words spoken, ‘Except ye repent and be converted, ye shall never see the kingdom of heaven.’ There are many who will need rebaptizing, but let them never go down into the water until they are dead to sin, cured of selfishness and self-exaltation; until they can come up out of the water to live a new life unto God. Faith and repentance are conditions essential to the forgiveness of sin.”2

“Those who have been baptized can claim the help of the three great Worthies of heaven to keep them from falling, and to reveal through them a character that is after the divine similitude. This is what we claim to be - followers of Jesus. We must be molded and fashioned in accordance with the divine pattern; and if you have lost your Christlikeness, my brethren and sisters, you can never, never come into communion with God again until you are reconverted and rebaptized. You want to repent and to be rebaptized, and to come into the love and communion and harmony of Christ. Then you will have spiritual discernment which will enable you to see those things that are above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God.”3

“God calls upon us to come into harmony with the divine pattern. He calls upon us, while it is called Today, to repent and be reconverted; and then His Spirit will dwell in us richly, and there will be transformations of character little dreamed of. As His Spirit works with your spirit, there will be manifest a saving grace by which we shall be deeply convicted of the wonderful transformation that is taking place in your character. Others will notice it, and be influenced thereby. Thus a constant and progressive work will be going on in the church. Oh, my dear brethren and sisters, let us all come into line. We cannot afford to be out of line now - it is too late in the day.

“Again, we read: ‘I have therefore whereof I may glory through Jesus Christ in those things which pertain to God’ (Romans 15:17).

“ ‘Whereof I may glory through Jesus Christ.’ This is the manner in which we may glory. And as transformation of character takes place, through repentance and confession and reconversion and rebaptism, you will glory through Jesus Christ ‘in those things which pertain to God,’ not in the things that pertain to your own personal, selfish interests.”4

“Just as long as you allow pride to dwell in your hearts, so long will you lack power in your work. For years a wrong spirit has been cherished, a spirit of pride, a desire for preeminence. In this Satan is served, and God is dishonored. The Lord calls for a decided reformation. And when a soul is truly reconverted, let him be rebaptized. Let him renew his covenant with God, and God will renew His covenant with him. My brethren, show true repentance for departure from God. Let angels and men see that there is forgiveness of sin with God. Extraordinary power from God must take hold of Seventh-day Adventist churches. Reconversion must take place among the members, that as God’s witnesses they may testify to the authoritative power of the truth that sanctifies the soul. Renewed, purified, sanctified, the church must be, else the wrath of God will fall upon them with much greater power than upon those who have never professed to be saints.”5

1 Evangelism, p. 375.
2 Manuscript Releases, vol. 7, p. 267.
3 Sermons and Talks, vol. 1, p. 366.
4 Ibid., p. 369.
5 Manuscript Releases, vol. 7, pp. 262, 263.