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The Reformation Herald Online Edition

He Is Coming

Character Builder
Wise as the Ant
Jackson Zamy

Ants are ranked among the smallest animals on the earth. But their arts and instincts are so remarkable that human beings can learn many things from them. The unity, order, and perseverance that exist among them have been the object of study of many scientists. God Himself, knowing the amount of lessons to be found in the life of these tiny beings, declared through the wise Solomon: “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest” (Proverbs 6:6-8). Following the counsels given us by the great Maker, let us briefly consider the ways of the ants, and, from their life, draw the lessons that are kept in store for us.


One of the secrets of success among ants is found in their unity. When one of them finds food, it goes back and alerts the others so they may come and help to gather it. Their working in unity does not only consist in securing their food but also in facing their enemies. This attitude of the ants shows us how important it is for us to work in unity - for through lack of this precious quality, we may lose great advantages and open doors to the enemy to gain an advantage over us. Jesus said: “Every city or house divided against itself shall not stand” (Matthew 12:25). And we are also advised to endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit (Ephesians 4:3). Therefore, our goal, as described in the Bible, is that we come into the unity of the faith (verse13).

Jesus, before leaving this earth, prayed for the disciples that they may be one as He and the Father are one. This had to be a proof to the world that God sent His Son to die for us in order to bring us back to the unity that has always existed between Jesus and His Father. The apostle Paul in his first epistle to the Corinthians exhorts the believers to unity, bidding us to avoid divisions and “be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” (1 Corinthians 1:10). These admonitions apply to us today.

We cannot hope to live together in heaven if we are not united here. There may be differences in our individual personalities, and our dispositions may be different, but we all have the duty to unite in Christ. We need to understand that this perfect unity “can never be until we all draw our strength from Him who can supply every need.”1


Scientists have considered that the organization and discipline existing among ants are of such an advanced order that it can be said that, in this respect, they have a civilization similar to that of humans, and their discipline is very similar to that of the military. In fact, it is very hard to explain how the ants have maintained this order without any problems, considering the vast area in which they live.

These things should help us turn our focus toward the ideal that God has set for us in having a disciplined life that will be manifested in the family, in the church, and in society. The inspired word says that “God is not the author of confusion” (1 Corinthians 14:33). Therefore, it is required that “all things be done decently and in order” (verse 40). The will of God is that heaven’s plan and divine order be carried out and prevail in every family, in every church, and in every institution.

The fact that God is a God of order leads us to the full understanding that heaven is a place where order dwells. The inspired word says that order is the law of heaven.2 Everything connected with heaven is in perfect order. The angels are all governed by this law. Success can only be attained by order and harmonious action. Therefore, if we do not practice order and do not live a disciplined life on this earth, we cannot expect to be accepted in heaven. The characters we form in this life will determine our future destiny.

But this work must begin at home. The very habits we manifest at home will be seen in the society and in the church. Therefore, habits of order and discipline are to be cultivated. Some young men and young women take the habit of getting out of bed and leave it for someone else to make it for them, and their whole room is a mess. Their lives are marked by disorder. This state of things leads them to have a lack of respect for order in the things of God.

Jesus left us a great example at His resurrection. We have the record in the Bible that when Peter went to the sepulcher, he found that the napkin that had been wrapped around Jesus’ head was folded together in a place by itself (John 20:7). Order and discipline should be practiced in everything that we do in life.


Ants are very perseverant. They may sometimes fail in their attempts to accomplish a certain task, but they never give up. At times, human beings, willingly or unknowingly, destroy the ants’ home that these tiny creatures have worked so hard to build. But they never give up; they get back to work and quickly get it rebuilt.

Many times we are frustrated in life when facing disappointments and failures. And instead of trusting in the Lord to move forward, we let ourselves get carried away by the circumstances of this life. We need to keep in mind our objective to perform a Christian character and, through faith in Christ, persevere until the end, whatever the circumstances. “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved,” said Jesus (Matthew 24:13).

Little but strong

If we consider the amount of work that ants can perform, we are thrilled with amazement. They can build hills 30 cm high and 60 cm wide, or they can dig big tunnels that can go 1.5 meters deep under the ground. Another type of insects that do amazing works are the termites, also known as “white ants.” These can build houses so tall that it may appear incredible to human eyes.

This shows us that we do not have to think for one moment that we are too old, too young, or too insignificant to work for the Lord. Everyone can perform a great task in the Lord’s vineyard if connected with the One from whom we get our strength. (See 1 Chronicles 29:12; Isaiah. 45:24.)

This applies to our labor for the Lord. Often we indulge the thought that it is not entrusted to us to do missionary work. So we neglect the sharing of the gospel with the general idea that this work is appointed only to the ministers, Bible workers, or the leaders of the churches. But the inspired word considers even the youth as an army for the Lord.3

All who are willing to cultivate their initiative to witness for God should not hesitate to do so. Are you preparing yourselves for this task? Are you preparing yourself and encouraging fellow believers around you to catch the vision?

There is a great work to be done by everyone - young, old, strong, weak, male, female. The apostle of love, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, specifically addresses the children and youth in 1 John 2:13, 14, encouraging them in God’s call for their lives. Likewise in Titus 2:2-4 the tireless apostle of zeal bids the elderly to use their abilities in instructing others. That’s right - such apparently weak, frail persons can be teachers of good things. There is something for everyone! The messenger of the Lord wrote: “I saw that the strength of the children of God is in their humility. When they are little in their own eyes, Jesus will be to them their strength and their righteousness, and God will prosper their labors.”4

Great foreseers

Among all the remarkable traits found in the ants is their ability to foresee the future and get ready to face times of hunger and protect themselves from the storms. As the ants make preparation for the future, we have to learn the lesson that we need to make a spiritual provision for the future. If we want to face the times that are coming upon us, we need to make adequate preparation. The words that we hear from the pulpit are not enough. We need to read the Bible for ourselves that we may be “approved unto God” (2 Timothy 2:15). We need to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to us and leading us in the truth which will work out our sanctification (John 17:17, 15:3).

Now is the time for us to “seek God more earnestly. The tempest is coming, and we must get ready for its fury by having repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.”5 Terrible times are coming upon the earth. The day of the Lord is near. Are you taking enough time to search the scriptures and consecrate your life through communion with Christ and the reading of the Bible? “Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near” (Isaiah 55:6). And let your communion with Christ grow deeper and deeper, that you may be able to stand before Him when He comes.

1 Manuscript Releases, vol. 13, p. 375.
2 See Testimonies to Ministers, p. 26.
3 See Christian Service, p. 30.
4 Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 307.
5 Messages to Young People, p. 89.