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Sabbath Bible Lessons

Educating for Eternity

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As we near the end of earth’s history, how important it is to dedicate more attention to the subject of education! “Now, as never before, we need to understand the true science of education. If we fail to understand this, we shall never have a place in the kingdom of God. [John 17:3 quoted]. If this is the price of heaven, shall not our education be conducted on these lines?” (The Christian Educator, August 1897).

“Education not only affects to a great degree the life of the student in this world, but its influence extends to eternity.”–Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 28.

What should characterize the education we seek? True education directs our mind to God and brings our life into harmony with Him. It develops righteous, symmetrical characters restored to God’s image–that original perfection with which our first parents were beautifully endowed. This calls into action all our mental, physical, and spiritual powers. It prepares us for the best performance of life’s duties and fits us for service in the plan of salvation. It fortifies us against Satan’s snares, including the dangers lurking in counterfeit, false education.

“Today those who would represent Christ must form new habits. Theories which originate with the world must be given up. Their words and their works must be after the divine similitude. They must not place themselves in connection with the debasing principles and sentiments that belong to the worship of other gods. They cannot with safety receive their education from those who know not God, and acknowledge Him not as the life and light of men. These men belong to another kingdom. They are ruled by a disloyal prince, and they mistake phantoms for realities.”–Fundamentals of Christian Education, p. 469.

“Fathers and mothers, do you realize the importance of the responsibility resting upon you? Do you realize the necessity of guarding your children from careless, demoralizing habits? Allow your children to form only such associations as will have a right influence upon their characters. . . . Ask them to take hold with you in the reform. Make diligent efforts to redeem the past. No longer remain in the condition of the Laodicean church. In the name of the Lord I call upon every family to show its true colors. Reform the church in your own home.”–Testimonies, vol. 7, pp. 66, 67.

As we study this quarterly, may the Lord enlighten our mind on how to educate ourselves and our children for eternity. Christ is at the door, and soon we will have to give an account of our stewardship. Blessed is everyone who will be able to say, “Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me” (Isaiah 8:18).

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