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The Reformation Herald Online Edition

20th General Conference Session

Mission in Action - The South American Region
Adapted from the report by Mateus Silva
Mateus Silva

How much time is left? How many minutes remain before the end of all things?

“For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry” (Hebrews 10:37). The year 1844 marked a new era in the history of the world and in the history of the church. Now, 163 years have passed since the entrance of Jesus into the Most Holy Place. How long is Jesus going to be there, mediating for you and me? This is a solemn question.

The year 1888 marked the last phase of the church of God on earth. Now, 119 years have passed since the angel of Revelation 18 began his work. Noah preached 120 years and the Flood came. In the next year 2008, we will complete 120 years of preaching the messages of “Christ our Righteousness” and “Justification by Faith.” It could be that within the next year, everything could be accelerated, the prophecies could be fulfilled, and the persecution of God’s people could begin. The Spirit of Prophecy has said that great changes are ready to come upon us and the last events will be very rapid ones. God has given us the opportunity to attend this assembly. The Lord has a special blessing for all the delegates and believers that have come for this event. You and I cannot return the same way that we came, we need to go home changed. God wants to give us a special blessing, the early rain and the latter rain. We are longing to receive this great blessing during this session. How many of us would like to leave this place, clothed with the former rain and the power of the latter rain? In 1914 the putting away of the last remnant of the last era was taken away from the large class. Now, 89 years have already passed since our pioneers were disfellowshipped. In 1925 the last reformatory remnant was organized. Since then, 82 years have already passed - twice the amount that the Israelites sojourned in the desert. How long will we continue to journey our pilgrimage in the desert?

The time has come when Jesus is about to return - in a little while His second advent will arrive. Our pilgrimage is always finished. We are almost home. As all the delegates and believers that have come to this great feast, we should leave this place with a determination to hasten the soon return of our Lord, keeping in a firm, decisive manner the principles that make us a peculiar and separate people.

The 1888 Minneapolis conference marked the beginning of the great work of reformation. At this conference is represented the great reformatory movement. Our name is registered in heaven as “reformers.” What is our mission? The message of the 3rd angel should be strengthened and confirmed. Who has been entrusted with this mission? The angel of Revelation 18 is represented here by all of us. Our mission can be divided into three parts. The first part is to save the souls that are destined to die. The Reform Movement is the SOS of God to humanity. The second part of our mission is to restore all things. Elijah will come first and restore all things. The third part is to lighten the world with the glory of God and to give to sincere souls the last warning of God. This is the mission of the angel of Revelation 18, and that is our mission.

What is God’s plan for the sincere souls that are in all religious bodies? Before the falling of the plagues, they will be called out of the fallen churches. The light will shine and all those that are sincere will take their place and stand with the remnant. Do the brethren believe that this is a very great and important mission?

Currently, there are 245 nations in this world. The Reform Movement has reached about 120 nations. And how shall we reach the other 120 nations on this planet? What is needed to reach all these other countries, great preachers, great technology, lots of money?

We need only one thing: To remain in “Jerusalem” until we be endowed with power from above. This is the only thing needed in order to accomplish this mission. If Jesus would reveal today that we should be here 10 days to receive the power, would we do so? God wants to give us the power of the early rain and latter rain today. He wants us to return with our faces lighted up and shining with sacred consecration. The disciples removed all the differences and desire of supremancy and united with a Christian tie to each other. It would be very good, if when we return to our church or home, someone would say, “What happened to your countenance, what has happened?” Let Christians put aside all differences and give themselves fully to God, asking for His blessing, and it will come.

Dear brethren, ministers, and pastors, Bible workers and members of the church, we cannot return from this holy place with any thought of dissension or murmuring. Are we ready to plead for the mercy of God as never before, that we may leave this place full of the Holy Spirit? How many of us are ready to plead for the mercy of God today so we can leave this place united as one man? How many are ready to do that? May God have mercy of His church congregated in this place. Amen.

The South American region consists of 10 countries and 400 million inhabitants. We have approximately 14,000 members.

Brazil: For 53 years now, a missionary school has existed here which has prepared many young people for labor in the Lord’s vineyard. Associated with this school is a natural clinic which has treated more than 20,000 patients over the years. Our publishing house has distributed millions of books in Brazil.

Missionary work is active here, with evangelism being done by families in the street, distributing leaflets at stop signs. Help is given to the poor and needy. We also offer culinary courses to people that have not become familiar with vegetarianism. One important missionary tool here is education to reach souls. In this region we have around 3,000 students in our schools. We also have vegetarian restaurants in this country.

In our first boarding school in South America, we have enrolled over 60 girls preparing themselves for the loud cry.

Peru: Recently there was a baptism of 50 persons in Peru.

Ecuador: In this country, the work is active, often through our vegetarian restaurant.

Bolivia: Approximately 100 children receive education in Bolivia. The work has grown here and now we have a Union just in this country alone.

Throughout South America, we have become more active through evangelization by radio. We conclude this report with a new system of evangelization used in South America. We now invite Bro. Josif Tuleu to bring us some information on this:

“I thank the Lord for the privilege this morning to speak a little about the radio program. When I left the natural clinic “Oasis Paranaense” 4 years ago as the director, it was said that now I was retired and needed to rest. But I was not happy with that. I wanted to do something more for the salvation of souls. I arrived home and the very next day, the opportunity came. It was suggested that we have a program about our diet and treatments we use in our clinic. I accepted the invitation and the next day we began the radio program. The radio program began with 2 hours per night, and many calls were received from the listeners. One night a couple came and presented themselves to us in the studio. The husband was 85 years old and the wife 80. She came to us and said that for 40 years she had tried to preach the truth to them, and they did not accept it. Now she was so thankful that in a short time we were able to reach people. The couple was baptized.

Because of the radio program, souls have been reached and every Sabbath we have about 50 visitors. They come to our church and we have more visitors than members. Many times we have had to put chairs outside of the building for the amount of visitors that arrived. They come to see if we eat as we preach on the radio. They say, “I don’t eat meat, I don’t drink sodas or coffee and I am already keeping the Sabbath.

I would like to see this work spread around the world! This is the best method we can use today to reach souls. The Spirit of Prophecy says that the health message is the entering wedge of our message. This work must receive the support of the church. Our goal is to have a radio station of our own in Brazil. Today we already have 12 new souls baptised through the radio program. Please pray for this work and help us to continue taking it forward!”