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The Reformation Herald Online Edition

A Lesson From the Life of Judas

Character Builder
Order - Part 2
Pam Stemmler


In our last issue of the Reformation Herald, we began this series of how the character of God is revealed in the orderliness of His creation. We considered the magnificence of the first five days of creation and pondered the lessons to be learned from each category of created works. Let’s continue!

Day 5

Day 5 is the day created for the special joy of people like my neighbor, who loves studying birds. That is the day when all flying organisms and swimming animals were made. You are probably getting the picture, that the more we would study any of these creatures, the more examples we would find of God’s orderliness in nature. There is system in their birth order, their habitations, their communicative abilities and messages. They understand the importance of system and order.

We have order demonstrated in the classification of species, because they have “family characteristics” that don’t change over time. They remain constant. Praise the Lord, there is something consistent in our Earth.

Did you know that birds have system in their songs? They have “making the home songs” (boundary line placement), “needing a partner” songs (mating songs), encouragement songs (while Mrs. is making the nest or examining it), cheering songs (while they are feeding the offspring), and traveling songs (for migratory purposes), as well as “perseverance songs” (like the Canada geese as they travel overhead).

I learned a wonderful lesson years ago, which taught me that God has purpose behind everything, even if I don’t have a clue to know what it is. Have you ever wondered why the birds sing so early in the morning? Is it only to praise the Lord for His goodness and mercy, as though that would be enough and be worthy for us to take as an example?

A scientist wondered about this same question and set his mind to see if there was an answer. As he delighted in experiments, he began to study plants very carefully. He noted that, in the early morning hours, before the dew is evaporated by sunshine, the sound frequency of the song of the birds opens the little stomata (mouths) of the plants so that they can absorb the moisture. Isn’t that a wonderful thought? Our God plans for everything.

Day 6

Here is a day for which we should be really thankful. It is the day that humans were created, along with lots of fuzzy mammals to keep us company. Yes, birds, fish, and creepy crawly things can teach us lessons, but if you want a close companion, usually you reach for something with legs and some kind of fur.

There is just so much that I would like to share, but this article is not about object lessons from creatures. Job tells us we should ask them some questions and they, the creatures, would answer us. Let’s take time to prayerfully consider all these wonderful things that God has made.

We could consider some interesting facts from 4-legged creatures. Have you ever studied their parenting patterns? Seeds are fertilized; babies are born, fed, protected, taught, weaned, reprimanded, and finally sent out into the wild blue yonder to fend for themselves. Most mammal parents don’t let their “children” just go and do as they please. There is order to be kept; there is discipline. In fact, watch nature carefully. It is surprising.

We had the pleasure of watching several litters of puppies enter the world and be cared for by their mama. Little fuzzy creatures are jealously guarded by the exhausted mama and quickly learn how to get their food. What a temptation to pick up these little creatures to snuggle them, but it is too soon. They are weak and mama knows what is best. They are to be left with her and if you get too close, she will smile (kind of), with a low snarl, to let you know that your hands should be off. Time is given them to strengthen and when she knows it is ok, she will let you have your chance (if she trusts you).

Then the puppies start to grow, learn, and move. They play, yet stay very close to mama for a time. After a bit, they even start to get a little selfish and irritate each other, but the mama quickly disciplines them, by a growl, a nudge or even a little nip to teach them to get along. She wants peace in the dog house. Mama dogs understand the need for order. Even when the puppies are old enough to explore, they quickly return at the command of mama. If not - uh-oh! They will learn. Mama is very diligent to make sure that she is teaching what they will need for grown-up doghood. They can’t have their own way. They must learn to obey.

Then comes the awful time for the puppies to be weaned. It was so interesting to observe that although the mama dog is always protectively keeping track of her “children,” the time came for them to “grow up a bit.” Then the lesson of temperance was added. When she said no, she meant it. They were not drinking from her any more and she was firm at times. Puppies cried, but they had to learn. It wasn’t long before the weaning was past and then they could all play together happily again. Creatures understand what it takes to cohabit peacefully!

Well, I have only touched the surface, but I think we have the picture except for one very, very important part of the Creation. Can you guess what I missed? YOU! We will come back to more lessons from you in a little bit. Remember, you were made in the image of the Creator.

God’s design was for beauty, system, and order to make life enjoyable, conducive to happiness, and holiness. Then what happened? We’ll see next time!